Privacy Notice

The privacy of your personal information is important to TechNova. To better protect your privacy, we provide you with our Privacy Policy so that you will understand our commitment to you and to your privacy. This Privacy Policy describes what information we may collect about you; how we use your information; how we protect it; and what choices you have on how that information is used. At TechNova, we understand that your details are a very personal, private subject, and we want you to feel as comfortable as possible visiting our various Web sites and using the respective services. 

The following articles make up our Privacy Policy. We hope that reading them gives you a clear idea of how we manage information regarding you. For immediate access to a particular topic, click on the title of that topic.


  • Personal information we collect
  • Use of your information
  • How TechNova handles privacy internally
  • Limitation of Liability
  • Changes to this Privacy Notice


The Site also provides links to other sites. Other Internet sites and services have separate privacy and data collection practices. You should read the Privacy Policy at each Web site that you visit after you leave one of our sites. TechNova is not responsible for how other Web sites treat your privacy once you leave a TechNova site. By accessing this Site, we assume you are consenting to the information collection and use practices described in this Privacy Policy. 


  • Information we collect from visitors

Visitors to each of our Web sites can access the Web site’s home page, and browse most areas of the site, without disclosing any personally identifiable information. 
In addition, we gather information about you that is automatically collected by our Web server, such as your IP address and domain name. TechNova may use Web server and browser information to individually customize its offerings and presentations if you submit your personal information.


  • we collect (when you fill out forms)

TechNova asks only for the minimum amount of information needed to assist you.
We will ask you when we need information that personally identifies you (“personal information”) or allows us to contact you to provide a product or service or carry out a transaction that you have requested. The personal information we collect may include, without limitation, your name, e-mail address, office address, and phone number. 

Visitors registering for services on our Web sites are asked to provide identifying information, such as name and contact information. TechNova Web sites obtain visitors’ consent before collecting personally identifiable information.


  • Information from outside sources

From time to time we may augment our existing user databases with legally obtained information from third parties. We do this to better target our information offerings and promotional campaigns and to provide pertinent offers in which we think you would be interested.


    • Other information

TechNova collects Personal Information, which you voluntarily provide to us through responses, when you participate in various opportunities that we provide, for example:

      • When you participate in a contest, rebate program or other promotion.
      • When you register to receive mailings, such as a product catalog, or e-mail notification such as when a product will become available.
      • When you request information or files from technical support or customer service.
      • When you fill out query forms, feedback forms etc.


We may combine Personal Information that we collect about you with Personal Information you provide to TechNova through other sources, such as product registrations, inquiries or marketing events.



TechNova maintains the information it receives online in strict confidence; information you submit to TechNova is not sold to or shared with third parties. TechNova reserves the right to notify its customers about administrative matters that pertain to their accounts

TechNova uses personally identifiable information submitted online to:


  • Respond to questions from customers or visitors to the website
  • Provide customer support
  • Share product news, updates, or helpful tips about TechNova products
  • Inform users of special promotions


If you choose to give us personal information for any of the purposes above, this information is retained by TechNova and will only be used by TechNova to support your customer relationship with us. For example, we may send you a mailed announcement of product upgrades, special offers, and other new products and services from TechNova. We will not disclose your personal information to third parties without your consent, except to vendors which provide services to TechNova as described in this policy or where we believe we are obligated to provide it under law such as in response to a summons. TechNova may also enhance or merge your information collected on the web site with data from other TechNova sources or third parties for purposes of marketing products or services to you.

Other than as described above, TechNova will not release personally identifiable information to a third party without your consent. 


  • Our commitment to security
    We have put in place appropriate physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to safeguard and help prevent unauthorized access, maintain data security, and correctly use the information we collect online.


  • General policies
    We have implemented technology and security policies, rules, and other measures to protect the personal data that we have under our control from unauthorized access, improper use, alteration, unlawful or accidental destruction, and accidental loss. We also protect your information by requiring that all our employees and others who have access to or are associated with the processing of your data respect your confidentiality.
    Reliable verification of user identity is called authentication. TechNova uses both passwords and usernames to authenticate users.


  • Third parties
    In addition to aggregate information, we may share some kinds of information with third parties as described below.

      • Companies and people who work for us: Because we are a large company, we contract with other companies and individuals to perform business support functions on our behalf. For example, we may hire companies to analyze data, provide marketing assistance, provide customer service or conduct customer survey. In order to perform their jobs, these other companies may have limited access to some of the personal information we maintain about our users. We use our best efforts to limit other companies’ use of personally identifiable information.


      • Co-branded and Partner Pages: We may share information with partner companies who jointly present special offers or promotions on co-branded pages within our site. You will be notified of this sharing when you are asked to furnish personal data on such a page. The partner’s use of any information you submit will be governed by the partner’s own privacy notice, which you can review before submitting your information.


      • Promotional and informational offers: Sometimes we send offers to selected groups of customers. To accomplish this we may use third parties working on behalf of TechNova.


    • Business transfers: If we transfer a business unit (such as a subsidiary) or an asset (such as a Web site) to another company, we will require it to honour the terms of this Privacy Policy. Although we do not currently anticipate a change in our corporate status, in the event of a merger or acquisition of the company or a substantial portion of its assets, TechNova may disclose, transfer or sell personal information collected online to the surviving or acquiring party, respectively. 
      Personal information collected online will remain subject to promises made in this Online Privacy Policy.
    • Legal requirements: We may release account and other personal information when we believe release is required to comply with law. When required by law, TechNova will share information with government agencies.



IN NO EVENT WILL TECHNOVA OR ITS AFFILIATES ASSUME ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY DAMAGES THAT RESULT FROM YOUR ACCESS TO, USE OF, OR INABILITY TO USE, THIS SITE, OR FROM YOUR DOWNLOADING OF ANY MATERIALS FROM THE SITE, EVEN IF TECHNOVA OR ITS AUTHORISED REPRESENTATIVE HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. YOUR USE OF THE SITE IS AT YOUR RISK. NEITHER TECHNOVA NOR ITS AFFILIATES SHALL BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, INDIRECT OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES ARISING OUT OR YOUR ACCESS TO, OR USE OF, THE SITE. Some jurisdictions may not allow a limitation or exclusion on damages, so the above may not apply in all circumstances. In no event shall TechNova’s total liability to you for all damages, losses, and causes of action (whether in contract, tort (including but not limited to negligence) or otherwise) exceed the amount paid by you, if any, for accessing this Site.


TechNova reserves the right to modify this Privacy Notice from time to time, by posting a prominent announcement on this page or, in the event of a material change, by notifying by e-mail all customers whose personal information we have retained. We encourage you to periodically review this Privacy Policy to stay informed about our practices. Your continued use of the Site constitutes your agreement to this Privacy Policy and any updates.

This Privacy Notice was last amended on 1/Oct/2020.